Thursday, December 16, 2010

Don't try to be someone you are not!

I read once, somewhere along the way, that you shouldn't try to be someone you are not. I thought at first, before I read further, that what that meant was you should not try to better yourself, and that striving for self improvement is a waste of time.

Not true. At all. It was also NOT what was trying to be said. Not close, which is good because I was starting to feel disgruntled at the beginning.

As I read on, I was pleased to find out self improvement was JUST what was trying to be put across and also, to not try to be someone you are not. Just being who are is cool, improve on that person and you will go places.

Don't try to push yourself into things you know will cause you mental un-health.

For instance, when I try so hard to be supermom. I want to be supermom. I can't be supermom. It causes me to be all grumpy and sad and then my super abilities fly out the window. What a waste of time. I can be really good at doing things I'm really good at and just trying to work at, not obsess over, things I kind of suck at. I know if I try to be a perfect mom, I end up being a terrible mother instead. That's just idiocy.

Stop trying to be like the guy sitting next to you, or the girl across the room with the perfect body and gorgeous hair.

If the guy sitting next to you graduated top of his class, and now he works so hard at his job and seems to always be working and getting raises and be well off, chances are he's unhappy in other aspects of his life. People, lots and lots of people, think that you need to concentrate only on one thing all the time in order to be successful in life. However, it's about finding a balance so that you aren't burning on both ends and are always improving in every part of your life. Yes, I know. There are times when one thing comes before another, like your spouse before your job, or your kids before your spouse, or job before family, but you need to figure out how to keep that balance of steady and achievable improvement in every aspect.

Stop comparing yourself to other people and compare yourself to yesterday.

Are you doing the same things and getting the same results? Hello, Einstein already told us that you are dumb if you do that. Just think about it while you are getting ready in the morning. What happened yesterday that I didn't like, and what exactly can I try to do to get a better outcome if that happens again today? This is important in relationships too. Any relationship. Fighting isn't all bad, it causes us to face a problem head on, sometimes fighting leads nowhere if you don't reflect on it, but I know I do. I hate to fight, well, not always, but whenever the hubby and I fight, I think about it for a while after and think about if what we were arguing about really matters, and if it does, what might be a better way to approach that subject the next time.

Which brings me to my next point. Don't make things a priority in your life if they aren't going to help your future. Everything we do effects our future. The butterfly effect, or whatever you would like to equate this phenomena with. If I wake up and go into work late today, that means that I have to really be on time for the next few months so I don't get canned. Anything, everything, it all makes a difference. Why waste time on things that aren't helping improve yourself?? Do you really have to go out drinking tonight? Is being hungover at work, or hanging out with your family really worth it the next day?

I don't know about you, but I like to be happy. I try to self reflect whenever possible and think about how I can change and grow within the confines of my nature. I love who I am and even though sometimes I can be nasty, or stupid, or inconsiderate, but those are the opportunities to improve myself as myself and not keep trying to be as good as Holly Sue or Billy Bob.

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